qt anon · 10d

wanted to talk abt how each time a duo gets their screentime it's labelled as "company pushed fanservice". It's instances l… — gosh. well. the timing of this is kind of funny with how my friends and i have been called as “ot2” stans for simply talking… https://retrospring.net/@mayasgyverse/a/112666401500475402
Though I'm fulltime sugyist nd ot5 obviously,still I really agree with you on ynbn part too nd now a days idk if it's right thing to say but I just petty ynbnist cause they rarely get a content nd I rarely find much of a ynbn shippers acc nd also I find it a little bit sad of how ynbn rarely act freely with each other in front of camera like obviously they may be more close in prsn still bight did them bad acc to me, these thoughts of mine might be controversial but trust me there's no negative energy I'm passing here🤞🏻

i just dont see why it would be helpful for bighit to restrict what is evidently their most popular ship (yeonbin)? like i dont see how that could help them gain more profit 😭 i looooooove yeonbin but again… i think that it’s a bit of a reach to say that bighit is purposely not showing their closeness onscreen.

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