qt anon Β· 8d

rpstwt in this fandom starting to make me feel bad for shipping certain members TT I like a lot of ships so I follow a lot of different people. But those people have some sort of rivalry with the other ships I like and 😭😭 it makes me feel bad for shipping them. Like I just saw someone say sgyuists and bmjnists should gather around and defeat ynbnists and 😭😭😭 what why 😭😭 I've seen bmjnists be weird towards sbn and ynbnists be weird towards bg. I'm not saying ynbnists aren't weirder than bmjnists cause they are but like at the same time why 😭😭

yeah i saw that tweet and i think op meant it as a joke, but even then,,,, it's still weird to villainize people for liking a ship (even when said group of shippers have a chunk of them who ARE toxic). like... i know it's not that deep. but. idunno. i have a lot to say about what's happened in the past few days but i also don't want to focus on the negativity anymore since i don't see how it could make things better? like if u really cared about gyu and the rest of the members, what does saying that, & fighting w/ a whole shipdom, accomplish? again, no hate to op bc im pretty sure they weren't serious, but i just hope that my own people (sgyuists) realize that that particular tweet's energy is not helpful either. and having that mindset just makes us look like we really are instigators of shit when we don't have to be. like, let's not fight toxicity with unnecessary toxicity too. that's all i'm saying

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