Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nonny · 1y

you screaming crying feeling everything about writing and writers literally is me everytime i read a new delicious fic in nct tag. and if i deep dive enough, i am obsessed with how writer just have infinite plots and worldbuilding and trope in their works like nothing is the same, this bring me back to the 1st time i read your am/fm fic and thought to myself omg this is some good shit i have to read it 30th times more and then I discovered the spring series, the look at me i beg you fic AND I WAS STUNNED. I WAS LIGHTSTRUCK. You gave us so many different characters and writing style its like dating 26890 personalities in a human. I can never thank you enough for feeding the markhyuck community with good food for pass years, i know there would be someday you got tired of writing little gay kpop men falling in love and move on with your life and thats still so valid but in the meantime i just want to treasure your works, your words, your characters and just the existence of you right now. So thank you ☺️

I feel the same! Though I don't have as much time now to read fic as before, when I first started to dwelve into reading I was surprised with the amount of stories and plot everyone could come up with - and how different they could be!
:(( I'm so happy you also felt that way regarding my fics... Also, haha, I didn't really notice I could have different writing styles actually? Like I know am/fm and Spring series are different but I never considered the differences enough to think it could be two styles... I always think my writing is very... "mayhem-y".
Thank you for liking my writing so much!! It's comments like this that make me happy that I clicked "Post" on that first fic... I'll be here for a lil while still (don't worry) but I hope when I stop writing, I leave you all with good stories and good memories!!!!!!

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