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Nonny · 11mo

someday love of mine is always gonna be my roman empire even after this civilization collapsed and a new intelligence species has started, that fic will always leave a hole in the markhyuck community. It’s not just a mcd fic with inevitable death, but it’s so so much than that and whenever i see two toothbrushes in one cup my eyes keep watering. I would love to know your thoughts about the fic if you don’t mind, I have always been a fan of your words :)

I too always remember that damned toothbrush scene... I'm afraid I don't have many words regarding the story itself - to quote Jane Austen "If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more." I feel like I always circle back to the same feelings and commentaries on it: I cried like a baby, I have been only able to read it once, I tear up when I talk about it, I want to be as good a writer as to have a magnum opus like it one day.

I do think it's a testament to a writer's ability to write something that leaves such an ache behind. Truth be told, I can't even remember exactly any quotes or passages (even if I'm not a quotes gal) to say "Hey, I loved the writing style!" and a LOT of the plot, main beats aside, escapes me. But I remember the imagery it evoked, and the feelings as well, so clearly and dearly. They haunt me, even. There's not a week, or a month, that goes by that I don't remember it. Even now, as I write this, it makes me tear up. As a unfortunate yapper, you can imagine how something must overtake me to the point of silence eheh.

I will say this, to close and try to make up for my lack of commentary, it's one of those fics that made me reevaluate my relationship with writing deeply and my forever ideal of the impact I want my writing to have. Whatever goodness you think of my writing, "Someday, love of mine" is behind it. What a blessing to have found it. What a blessing to have read it. What a blessing it is to feel.

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