Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nonny · 12mo

Thank you so much for your answer! I wish I could scan your brain or better yet sit down and talk to you about this wonderful world you've created !!! its so interesting how everything works, I don't know if it was something I missed while reading, but I had no idea the place was atemporal, that it exists beyond where the characters come from. I can't wait to read it again and check back on all the things I've missed! Ill make sure to take a look at those videos you provided, Im excited to resume the story when an update finally comes, I hope you do not feel pressured by me asking for one, anyway thank you once again ☺️🫂

np!! i hope u enjoyed the latest update hehe!! and please feel free to dm me to chat if you're comfortable with that!!! im a bit of a late replier but i do try to reply TuT

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