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MAJOR SPOILERS FOR INANIMATE INSANITY SEASON TWO, Microphone Inanimate insanity first appearance was in Season One Episode Eighteen Part Two at 7:11 to 7:12, appearing to tease season two of Inanimate insanity, In S2EP1 Microphone makes her contestant debut! Being one of most friendly but very loud members of the second cast, introducing shoutself to Lightbulb and Paintbrush, in the first challenge of the episode (icebreakers) Microphone breaks the ice with his yelling after Paintbrush accidentally pushes her button by walking backwards, Microphone nearly becomes a team captain but she falls into water due to the iceberg spliting in half where he was standing, making Baseball and Lightbulb the team captains, Microphone gets placed on the Grandslams due to her being the last person to fall into the water, making her third place, in the second challenge (dodgeball) Microphone wins for screams team by using her screaming to make the dodgeballs hit the other team, in S2EP2 there's nothing large to note for Microphone in this episode besides the fact she was VERY egar to help out his team, in S2EP3 Microphone was once again very egar to compete in the challenge, later on in the challenge Knife gets his leg injured by Yang throwing Yin at Knife, when Knife finally gets to Microphone was clearly concerned with Knife's twisted leg, showing she (early on) was one of the nicest contestants, Knife tells Microphone to go off and start running and Microphone does so, Microphone costed the Grandslams the challenge by falling for Fan trying to make her to scream to make him fly, this will be important for later, in S2EP4 Microphone wasn't eliminated (woohoo!) and this time it's a pizza challenge, Microphone once again doesn't do that much in this episode besides helping Soap grade Cheesy, starting their friendship, once again this will be important for later, In S2EP5 Microphone once again isn't eliminated (Yay!) and a new character comes around named Dough, this challenge was a soccer challenge and the prize was getting Dough on their team, Microphone wanted to play out on the field but Baseball tried to get shouts into playing the goalie, Microphone asks Suitcase for her opinion but Suitcase was on Baseball side and Microphone was clearly upset but he went along with it, this will important later, later on in this episode Dough started to bother Microphone, causing her to be distracted and making the other team score a goal, Baseball tells Microphone to go play a position further away from the game and Microphone once again was upset but agreed anyways, after the challenge ends Microphone said screams skills will kick in soon, in S2EP6 Microphone once again doesn't do much but in the haunted mansion Microphone asked why he keeps messing stuff up, in S2EP7 Microphone says (our shouts) out loud that Soap should be the leader instead, making it clear that she's close friends with Soap, in the post credits Microphone was taking a walk at night but notices a bush moving and began to walk towards it, before Microphone could see what it is Cheesey jump scares shouts, Microphone was clearly upset at him but Cheesy just laughs it off, Microphone once again asks herself that she's one of the hardest worker but why does he keep doing everything wrong. MAJOR SPOILERS FOR INANIMATE INSANITY SEASON TWO, In S2EP8 Microphone wasn't eliminated again (yay!), Microphone didn't have a big role in this episode but there's this one thing I want to point out, in Meeple Microphone points out two other Mephones tried to kill Mephone4 so why would Steve Cobs help them, showing that he notices small things (idk killing the host is consider small but it's whatever), In S2EP9/EP10 is where shit hits the fan for Microphone, after the intro Microphone and Soap are shown walking together, Microphone was thankful towards Soap for actually listening to screams, Soap tells Microphone to listen to her heart (this will be VERY important for later on) before trying to throw away her cleaning supplies but is unable to, Microphone slaps Soap to knock some senses into her and chucks the cleaning supplies off the cliff, Soap was thankful towards Microphone, the scene ends and we cut to the elimination, Microphone is once again safe (YIPPIE!!) but Soap sadly isn't, before Soap goes she tells both Suitcase and Microphone to remember to listen to their hearts (once again VERY IMPORTANT), Microphone walks into the particular forest and begins to write in their diary, writing in screams diary that it was unfair that Soap had to go before getting mad at shouts diary and chucking it into a bush, then a voice began reading Microphone's diary, reading off entities about how Microphone hoped his team didn't hold a grudge against her and that screams is loud but still goes under the redar, after the mysteries voices says the word "loser" Microphone began to tear up and asked what the voice wanted, the voice who was reading off Microphone's diary was Taco, Microphone was reasonable fucking terrified and began screaming at the sight of Taco, Taco presses Mic's button and covers his mouth to have a "clive" conversation with Microphone, Taco wanted to make a deal with Microphone, she'll help Microphone win if Mic gives her a 50/50 split of the million, Microphone was obviously apprehensive about it but Taco tried to convince Microphone into doing it saying he'll shed countless tears about what could've been and that screams has so much to gain, In S2EP10 Part Two after the intro Microphone was shown to walk out of the particular forest, looking around at screams surroundings, later on in the episode, after Mephone4 reveals the challenge (it's a hedge maze!) The Grandslams devices a plan, Baseball and Nickel take all right turns, Suitcase all left, and Balloon, Knife and Mic can do whatever they want as long as they finish the challenge, especially for Microphone since she's a "wild card" according Nickel, showing that number one, Nickel doesn't care about objects who are in Baseball's alliance and number 2, Nickel probably has a distain towards Mic, Microphone points out that if they all have to get out of the maze that shouldn't they all work together but before she could finish his entire team already left him, later on in the episode Microphone and Marshmallow watches Paintbrush hit Fan, Marshmallow was upset about Apple "using her" to gain more fans and Microphone advice was it isn't bad if someone uses you if it benefits if it benefits you as well, this will important for later, Paintbrush overhears this and they say that they understand Microphone's point but that nobody should agree with it because it's a terrible point before walking off with Marshmallow, Microphone compares the Bright Lights to an dysfunctional family before Balloon walks into the scene and says couldn't they relate and the entire show has been awful, after saying last eliminations prize, Spoiled Lemon tickets, Fan gets excited and climbs over the hedge, gushing about Spoiled Lemons songs, Microphone criticizes Spoiled Lemon and Fan asks what gives her the right to an interpretation and when was the last time he gained from true art such as of Spoiled Lemon, Microphone responded by saying certain people would say scream "has a lot gain" and suddenly remembers something before running off and thanking Fan, the certain person was Taco, showing that screams and her agreed on the deal, after insulting Microphone she says she can help Mic out of the maze, Microphone begrudgingly agrees and Taco began to spoon feed Microphone the directions, making screams the first on out of the maze, Baseball compliments Mic but he wonders who's still in the maze, Mic turns up the gain her back and could hear Knife being close to the end, Microphone began to call out (or scream out lol) to Knife, unknowingly also helping Test Tube in the process, when both Knife and Test Tube reaches the end it's a tie, Baseball was upset towards Microphone and asked why would screams do that, Microphone quickly defends herself by saying that he didn't hear Test Tube, at the Spoiled Lemon concert Starfurit comes back and sings a song with the lyrics "I woke up when it was morning, was a day like an other day, I had a bad time because I couldn't rhyme, till I could seeing her walking down the street, I was alone, alone, but she made feel like I wasn't, wasn't, she made me think I needed her, but can't you see? She broke my heart on the beat," the song continues on from there but when Starfurit sings the line "she made me think I needed her," Microphone appears with Taco in the background, symbolizing their partnership, In S2EP11 Microphone and Taco appear together, Taco asked if she could hear Suitcase's and Balloon's conversation, Microphone replied by saying he can hear everything now, Taco says this challenge is a test of Balloon's ability, Microphone asked if it's truly a test of Balloon's ability (I love this little Goober SM) and then it cuts away to a different scene proving what Taco said was correct, Taco says this challenge is the perfect time to get Balloon out due to Baseball and Nickel trying to find a way to eliminate Balloon, Microphone then tells Taco that she's very "abstract" before Taco pulls out a taser/temporary paralyzer, Microphone was obviously scared and asked what the hell is that before Taco replies with the answer of a temporary paralyzer, Microphone was clearly upset and was mad at the fact Taco wanted to paralyze Balloon and says they shouldn't do that (for obvious reasons) but Taco argues back that this isn't to different from when she was spoon feeding Microphone the directions in the maze, Microphone points out that was Taco giving shouts advice and this is just straight up attacking people at this point, Taco got angry towards Microphone and says that directions are quite DIRECT, Taco then says that Baseball blame Microphone for the tie last episode and and asks Microphone who she wants to be targeted, himself or Balloon, Microphone then takes the tazor and says screams will think about it, a scene or two later Microphone appears again walking on the docks, Microphone drops the temporary paralyzer (on purpose) on the dock and accidently making a small dent thing on the dock which would make it easy for someone to trip and fall if they weren't careful, Taco begins to "yell" at Microphone (I'm pretty sure because of Taco's headphones she can talk to Microphone) before Microphone turns down so shouts can't hear Taco anymore, Microphone walks up to Balloon and compliments her, complimenting Balloon for her bravery and says he could never do that because shoutself is a coward, Balloon was thankful towards Mic and tells Mic that Suitcase told her to believe in herself and this challenge isn't to prove her to anyone but herself, Microphone then remembers when Soap told screams to listen to shoutself heart, while Soap was walking into the elimination portal, Balloon then askes Mic if he thinks she at risk of getting eliminated, Microphone's original answer was a no but swiftly changes it into a yes, once again calling Balloon brave, during the challenge Balloon trips on the dent thing on the dock that Microphone accidentally made, and Microphone smiles, while Bow and Marshmallow were singing Marshmallow sings the line "between who you really and what you know will get you far" Microphone appears, showing how different she became after working with Taco, after the challenge concludes (the Grandslams lost btw) Microphone turns up her gain and was about to apologize to Taco before Taco stops her and compliments him about how he made both manipulation that works inside of the game and the good old messing with people, also during the elimination Microphone isn't eliminated so yay!! In S2EP12 after the first season of the episode we cut to Microphone and Taco right next to the vending machine which is also Test Tube's secret laboratory, Taco starts off the conversation by mentioning that Microphone is now "solo" because she's at the merge (idk if me working with someone in secret counts as flying solo but whatever) and calls his past team "miserable", Microphone then points out that they did their fair bit of permanent damage, but then Taco points out the Armless Alliance (I don't remember if this alliance has a name but I'm calling it this anyways) was going to snap eventually and that Microphone sped up that process, Taco calls back from in season one when she called her team "Team Chicken Leg", Microphone asks her if that was strategic and Taco answer by saying no, but it was funny! Taco then continues on by saying that giving back the temporary paralyzer isn't either strategic OR funny, Microphone replies by saying it's the correct thing to do, Taco then replies by saying Microphone is "vanilla" and tossing the temporary paralyzer to Mic, ending their conversation by Taco telling Microphone to keep screams cool, before Taco pressing random buttons and the slide thing to enter the lab||, once Microphone enters the lab (the slide thing sucked me (Microphone) in and idk how) Microphone is "greeted" by Test Tube before suddenly asking if it's her, Test Tube replies by saying that she must've dropped it something (she didn't, probably) and that she has been having a real ant problem, Microphone then asks what she's working on and Test Tube almost spits out her answer (it's a time machine btw) before calling Microphone a "jeebweezer", ||Taco overheard this by her headphones and tells Microphone she's coming down, Microphone replies by whisper screaming the word "WHAT!?" (Honestly understandable ngl) before Taco slides down the slide into the lab with a bush, right before Lightbulb shows up and accidentally fucks with Test Tube time machine and sending them both (and Baxter the crab) into S1EP1, Microphone was understandable shocked by this but Taco jumps out the bush (I have no clue how she brought that inside tbh) and reaches her hand out to the portal, before the portal closes, we cut back from the intro and we come back to Microphone panicking about what just happened and Taco tells Mic to calm down and that he already got rid of two competitors, meaning that's shouts is one a roll! Microphone points out that Taco was reaching out the portal but Taco ignores what Mic said and points out that without Test Tube they have a full laboratory to loot! Microphone questions what he's going to tell everyone and Taco replies saying zilch, when the challenge starts (it's a painting challenge!) Test Tube, Lightbulb and Microphone we're all late before Mic runs and announces that screams is there, and then lies that she's been there then entire time and then Knife asks Mic if he knows where Test Tube and Lightbulb are and Mic replies with a sudden "No!" before trying to play it cool by saying no in a more calm town and Knife laughs, showing that Knife is starting to notice that Microphone odd behavior as of recent, a few scenes later while almost everyone was painting, Suitcase asked Microphone what's screams is painting and Microphone rudely replies by saying what's it's to her, Suitcase then sighs and says she's just getting on everyone's nerves today apparently, Knife then asked why was screams late when the challenge started, and Microphone replies by saying he had other places to be be and asked her why she's asking him, Knife replies by saying she tends to notice these things, making Microphone worry, after the challenge ends (Suitcase won because Paintbrush burnt everything down) Knife then sees Microphone and asks Mic where she's going and Mic laughs as a response before running off into the forest and Knife follows scream, Microphone wanted to asks Taco about what happened in the lab but there's a bigger problem but before Microphone could finish his sentence Taco says she knows there's a bigger problem but it's nothing they can't handle because Knife was just a simple bully when Taco last seen Knife and that he wouldn't, but before Taco can finish her sentence both Taco and Microphone turn around and see Knife listening in to their conversation, before leaving, Taco then tells Microphone that she has a plan, at elimination Microphone doesn't get eliminated (YIPPIE!!) But she does think the one vote for her was by Knife. In S2EP13 Taco tells Microphone to get Knife in their favor but Microphone replies by saying it's difficult to hear Taco over Toilet drumming a drum, a scene or two later during the challenge (it's a mining challenge!) Knife is shown mining at a rock before Microphone suddenly sneezes and apologizes, causing Microphone and Taco to start argue, Knife disappointly "stares" at them before Knife throws Taco at a rock and gently touches Microphone bowtie so both Mic and Taco are visible again (context: Taco stole some bowties from Test Tube's lab that can make both her and I invisible), Microphone then asks Knife to join them and Knife answers by asking by saying if her "hm" seem like a yes, Taco brushes herself off and says Knife hasn't changed much since they last ment, snowballing into Knife and Taco arguing, while those two were arguing Microphone notices a certain jewel in the wall and gets in the middie of Knife's and Taco's argument by saying they want to help Knife and pushes Knife into the jewel, suddenly causing a bright light to beam from the light, showing one of Mephone4's memories to her, when the scene fades back to the cave Mic and Taco once again tries to convince Knife to join them but Knife began to repeat the word "trash" (because of the memory) and walks off, Microphone (understandable) thinks she's saying the word "trash" towards Taco's and his idea and says "Umm, rude! >:(", a couple scenes later Microphone and Taco are seen "walking together" (Taco was sitting on top of my head and I was walking but it's close enough), Microphone once again asks Taco about what happened in the lab but Taco ignores screams again, Microphone, again, asks Taco about the lab before Taco finds one of the jewel things and began to mine it, before it hitting her in her eye and making her fall to the floor, Microphone was concerned for Taco and tries to grab her while covering shoutself own face from the bright light, before Toilet and Mepad shows up and Mic began to hide Taco behind herself as Mepad and Toilet congratulate him on being safe and teleport to somewhere again, a scene or two later Knife is seen in a minecart all by herself, relaxing before Mic and Taco yells out to her that they just want to help her, Taco then asks Knife if this is here holding a grudge against her true self but Microphone then adds on if they TRULY know Taco before Taco asks Mic if she's pardon, Knife watches this conversation go down before Taco notices something and tries to make Microphone agree before Mic pushes down Taco's thumbs up, Knife notices this but before she can questions what's going on she suddenly gasps, Microphone slightly panics before pushing a lever and pulling Knife into their cart (context: KNIFE WAS GOING TO DIE), a scene later we cut back to Mic, Knife and Taco are once again, Taco apologizes to Microphone, saying she can stand to be a bit more open, Microphone seemly accepts Taco's apology before Knife bargains into their conversation by reminding Mic that Taco tried to KILL HER, then adding on that she wonders what happened to Pickle, Taco tries to stop Knife from continuing by PHYSICALLY FIGHTING HER (Jesus Taco was out for blood this episode) before Microphone holds her back, Knife continues by saying if Microphone doesn't watch out she'll drop shouts too, Microphone asked if Knife wasn't going to join them that she please keeps this a secret, Knife agrees but says this is favor and tells Microphone to watch herself because Test Tube and Fan are analyzing everyone and Microphone doesn't want to get caught, speaking of Test Tube, she accidentally shoots Microphone but don't worry guys, Mi

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