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;; GEODE · 4 answers · 9mo

im realizing i blanket out when i asked the question. anyway. CHARACTERS THAT YOU ROLEPLAY. oc or not. give me facts about them. THATS WHAT I MEANT BEFORE i think i just had a stroke before

Superball funfacts ;
- If Superball were to refer to herself as a flower, it would be an Orchid.
- Beach Umbrella is the only demon she has not given a flower-related nickname to.
- I've stated this before, but she believes whole heartly that she is correct in what she has done [ everything to do with Baseball, past children, etc ].
- When she was still in Playground, she used to run a magic act for kids! Adults too, but children were always her target audience.
- Another antagonist will not be created to replace her after her death. She is my only true villain character in the rp.
- Her current kill count is three.
- She has reached out to Medkit for a commission.
- She was already blind in the eye that Banhammer took.

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