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;; GEODE · 2 answers · 9mo

how would your characters (can be any and all!) react to the question "what are your pronouns?"

Daniel - "..."
Terry - "Glad someone finally asked. It/Its."
Ulan - "I don't care what you call me."
Dana - "She/her darlin'!"
Daryl - "He/him, but I wouldn't bat an eye if you called me anything else. :]"
Esme - "Oh, she/her! :D"
Drew - "...he."

Shamp - "Mmmm... No..."
Shand - "Kys."
Flanz - "Any and all! :> What is your's?"

Baseball - "Baseball." /j "She/her. :p"
Superball - "She/her, deary.🙂"
Umbrella - "Whatever your's are. I don't really care all too much. :}"
Flame - "Oh, er, he/it. And flame/flames. :>"
Ram - "He/him/his."
Kid - "Uhm... what's that?"
Redcliff - "Any work fine. :D What is your's, friend?"

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