Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

loaferzon · 7 answers · 9mo

mmm... character's with disabilities... mmmmmmmmmm gimme lore...

sleeves and betty went through so much hell and they probably do not deserve what's coming to them.

in two different universes, sleeves is either a ringmaster for a freakshow, or one of the leaders of a cult meant to stir up the apocalypse. betty is just forced to watch her brother go mad.

Skateboard: Autism, Sensory Disturbances, Asthma
Crossbow: OCD, Tourettes
Hatchet: PTSD, amputee (In a techinical sense? Not surgically removed but yknow..its gone), anxiety

Fazgang I'm also up for suggestions I grin

kira has narcolepsy, peep has nerve damage. rumor is dead but that doesnt count
nearly all of my characters are neurodivergent in some way

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