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anon · 7mo

Hiiii kinda wanna talk about The part where you said you will write more transgojo if the crowd approved but just wanna say that it’s not a fair game bc there is not a bible trans rules that everyone needs to follow i mean as long as the author was educated enough on the subject it wouldn’t harm anyone the trans rep i relate too may not be the same one others relate to so i think waiting for ppl or a crowd approval is not a good mesure a lot of ppl who are allegedly cis write in this fandom and no one call them out nor criticise them and not only jjk even genshin fandom if you already were associated with it what I’m trying to say is i liked loved adored your transgojo and that i would very much enjoy love and support another one so got a bit sad when you said you'll only every write it if folks approved and trust me you can never satisfy everyone or please everyone im not pressuring you or smth just wanted to point this out in case you missed it i read a lot and consume a ton of trans media and trust me the most satisfying high praised still gets trashed and 1 stared on goodreads bc as i have said we are diff ppl with diff experiences we can’t have a bible for how trans ppl should or shouldn’t be

thank you so much for the reassurance! i appreciate you taking the time to send me this. it wasn't so much about whether or not the crowd approved or not, i was just really nervous that i'd hurt people by writing something silly and horny lol

but i definitely do want to keep writing it haha. i might incorporate it in the abo fic i'm cooking!

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