Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 1mo

I really missed your writing so much~! Hope that things have been going well on your end. How was your finals? Personally, things have been moving so fast for me to the point that I got to lock in and put most of my energy for school (to which lowkey neglects my time being spent on keeping up with fandom stuff and fav media). I wanna know if this experience is the same with you as well TT. I love your work and can't wait to see what the future holds!!

oh yes, absolutely. when school starts, it takes 99% of my energy. the 1% that's left has to go toward friends, family, and maintaining my active lifestyle. finals this semester were has as fuck im not gonna lie that shit sucked lol. but this semester was just hard in general, esp chemistry. next semester is going to be even more difficult, though, so im bracing for that

however!! im almost done lol i think i have like 3 (?) more semesters, 2 of them being full term sems and one of them being a summer semester, and then im done!!!!

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