nyanon · 8d

a question id just like to ask because, well just because ... one of my siblings has a chance to take online school for high school instead of actually going there.. they don't offer this to everyone, he got the offer because the teachers see him not really making himself out there / not talking to everyone, WHICH IS NORMAL!.. considering your experiences should they take online instead of irl?.

ahh honestly I'd encourage him to take irl courses ! being surrounded with ppl and having to interact with them will help him in the long run in his future career . this is what my therapist told me anyways . she told me to surround myself with ppl bec it helps u progress mentally . but at the end of the day that would be his choice, if he said he can't handle irl school then let him take online , as long as u encourage him to still go outside and have friends i see no harm in it ^__^

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