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Anonymous 🎏 · 12mo

WAIT u mentioned gowon and chuu becoming friends eith yeojin…… im SO curiois in their dynamic together as they travel to go to earth and also just on the yyxy girls that dont have much info yet (chuu, gowon) O_O

they become friends in the odd eye realm and escape together into the forest on earth! they're the first friends LVRB!yeojin makes that doesn't treat her like a younger sister, especially since she has to guide them on earth after their fall. on the flipside, yeojin is chuuwon's first friend outside the Eden Academy so they become important to each other in navigating the world. i would say they're a trio that can share everything with each other and just like to relax after the horrors of trying to escape the forest. they can have fun later.

I'll briefly explain LVRB chuuwon! chuu embodies unrequited romantic love, and her journey is essentially finding herself outside the context of romance and embracing platonic love. she's read too much shoujo and perfect romances in Eden, so she has to become whole through grappling with the reality of that. she's still very loving, but more healthy and realistic at the end. gowon learns to reach out (she's a loner and prefers it that way. VS ohye who is an involuntary loner) and realises her impact on others (butterfly effect). she has a good understanding of herself, but not in the context of her environment. she's naturally detached and while she learns that's ok, she learns her impact can be positive and extends it to collapse the mobius strip.

the trio like to have book dates where they swap genres or watch drama... and since yves and ohye's relationship is tense, chuuwon hangs out more with the individual 1/3 members. especially yeojin

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