meriwether zine

A for-profit zine dedicated to Aether, Venti, Xiao, Kaedehara Kazuha, Shikanoin Heizou, and Wanderer.

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Anemo Boys SIMP


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SIMP · 3mo

Hello~ will there be an early bird bundle when PO opens?

SIMP · 4mo

Hii~ Saw a lot of familiar faces in the contributor line-up, very excited! Just a quick question, which country would the zine be shipped from after productions has been completed?

SIMP · 7mo

Hello ! Im wondering how many writer applications there were 👀

Hello! We're very sorry, we won't be disclosing the specific number of apps for each role.

SIMP · 7mo

Hi. Your Twitter post says results're out on November 5th, but your Carrd says October 26th, which one is correct?

Hello! We've updated the results schedule because the large number of apps received. We're working on updating the rest of our schedule to reflect this change. Please keep an eye out on that!

SIMP · 7mo

I used your carrd countdown because I thought that'd be the most reliable and it's still got almost 3 hours on it but you're closed...

Hi! It's an error in our part. Carrd countdowns can be a bit wonky when it's already past due date. Instead of counting down, they're actually counting forwards so by the time you've checked it it's most likely 3 hours after the due date. We're very sorry for the mixup!

SIMP · 7mo

Hello! what kind of portfolio should I put for merch application? PNG of merch art?

Yes, PNG of the merchandise works! You can also provide pictures of the physical merch as well.

SIMP · 7mo

Hello! What's the exact time and timezone you'll close the contributor apps on 15th Oct?

We'll be closing applications on October 15th at 06:00 PM! You can look at our carrd for a countdown of the apps as well. ^^

SIMP · 7mo

Good day! I just want to ask if there is a possibility for the contributor applications to be extended? I would love to join, but I was only able to discover this zine this week, so I just wanna know. Thank you in advance for the answer.

Hello! Unfortunately we won't be extending applications. You are welcome to apply with what you have as of now. In case you've applied and you have an updated portfolio, feel free to DM us and inform us of the update! We'll gladly to reevaluate your application. Just make sure it's not too close to our results due date. ^^

SIMP · 7mo

Hello! For page artist contributor applications, would other Hoyoverse fanart be allowed in lieu of Genshin fanart?

Hello! We'll be giving a bit of leeway and samples of Hoyoverse games if you don't have any suitable ones or ones that feature Genshin Impact characters. But for those that do have Genshin Impact samples, please prioritize on giving Genshin Impact samples!

SIMP · 8mo

Why is it called Meri Wether if its an Anemo themed Zine? :O sorry im confused and dont mean to sound judgy!!!

The name “meriwether” was chosen as the zine’s title because Meriwether is a Middle English name that means “happy weather.” The zine’s themes center around the Anemo vision’s motifs; which are freedom, whimsical and happy demeanors, a gentle breeze, and sunny blue skies.—That was what we put in the Info Doc, and we're consistently committed to our chosen theme!

Meriwether began as a nickname for someone with a happy disposition who was said to bring the merry weather with them—and we think that it’s a fitting theme for our beloved Anemo boys!

SIMP · 8mo

Hello! We appreciate that you give a lot of thought and read our form thoroughly~ Like other zines, this zine is indeed a fun project! The short intro is meant for all applicants to introduce themselves so that we may get to know you--you are of course free to introduce yourself in a fun way! As for the optional question, it is optional, so you don't have answer it--though, you are free to include the reason you want to apply (we had a contributor joined to feed the community with more Heizou content)!

SIMP · 8mo

Hello. Is it possible for an account that posts nsfw to apply contribution? The samples and portofolio are completely sfw

That is indeed possible, as long as the samples and portfolio are completely SFW! If you happen to have any NSFW work in your portfolio, please don't forget to put a content warning or trigger warning for sensitive material. Thank you~

SIMP · 8mo

Hello! I wanted to ask if any sort of genre is allowed for writing submissions (sfw, of course). like if all of my samples are only one type of fanfic (ex. shipfics only, reader-inserts only, platonic only, etc) is that okay?

I want to send in my portfolio, but most of my work is in another category as I've yet to upload any fics in the style which the zine will use ><

All sorts of genre are allowed, as long as they're SFW! We don't limit the portfolio to be non-ship, but if you have created a work that fits into our theme we would like to see that as well~ So, if you do have one, be sure to submit that along with your other samples!

SIMP · 8mo

Hi! For writer apps, the required samples are 3 written works that fulfill the guidelines! These works are the ones we will look into first. Providing more than 3 best pieces (up to 10) is optional--you can showcase your best works here! As for portfolio, an AO3 link is sufficient. The portfolio is for us to see all the works you've done to better appreciate them. Hope that explains!

SIMP · 8mo

Are different gender headcanons allowed? Like for instance I usually headcanon Venti as non-binary and Wanderer as trans. Is that alright?

Hello, yes we allow different gender headcanons! Though, we'll be leaning towards more masc presenting, androgynous, and/or gender neutral headcanons.

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