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thoughts on natsu yoshida, tapi harus pake bahasa inggris minimal 2 paragraf. boleh pake chatgpt.

Natsu is a radiant source of joy in my life. With an innate ability to sprinkle humor into any situation, his presence brings infectious laughter and light-heartedness to your days. His knack for sharing witty anecdotes and clever quips has the power to lift your spirits even on the gloomiest of days. Beyond their humor, they play a vital role as a steadfast adviser, providing me with insightful guidance that has helped shape my decisions and perspectives. Their wisdom is like a compass, always pointing me in the right direction, and their words have the uncanny ability to resonate deeply within me.

However, amidst his many endearing qualities, there have been moments when their absence has been puzzling and hurtful. There have been instances when he seemed to vanish without a trace, leaving me feeling abandoned and uncertain. These episodes of being ghosted have caused a mix of confusion and longing, leaving me to wonder about the reasons behind their temporary disappearance. Despite these lapses, the bond I share with this individual remains strong, forged through shared laughter, valuable advice, and the profound impact they've had on my life's journey.

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