Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Wondrous Soul · 7mo

What if I said we haven't met yet? But maybe... We almost meet each other before, but nah... sadly we didn't. Maybe you're questioning why can it happen, right? Idk, but I saw you around my friend's timeline and yep... I love to see your account and my friends talked nice about you tho. I'm sorry if it's sounds cringe, cliche, or what... But, that's the fact. Also, sorry if it's disturbing you t___t. I don't meant it, but I'll stop if you asked me to! And I hope you do... You deserve all the loves from this world, so may you have it too, El! But, actually it's nice to have a chance to talk with you here. Have a good day!

Know that your presence and your sudden confession (or was it not?) made me happy, and that’s enough. More than enough, to be completely honest. It may take me some time to reply ... I’ve been wondering how I could have such a precious soul around me (which is you). It’s not cringe at all. Again, I can only thank you for stopping by. I had a great time replying to your messages too. Have a good day!

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