Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

I know this is random but.. do you like reading novel(aside from orv)? If so, do you have a recommendation...? I want to read a novel but I don't know which one that have a family/friends trope, and have a little romance(teasing & extra is okay)
My only fav is 'orv' and 'children of the holy emperor'. I hope to find more like these two. A nobody/trash became the most important person, it also have very awesome woman who can take care of themselves(in other word, a normal person, not annoying or smt) 🥺🙏

i do read other novels besides orv but not that many kr webnovels (which i assume is what you're looking for based on the tropes)... the only one i read that i think fits is probably the third wheel strikes back?

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