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Ok i will be ridden with guilt and kill myself and you will send the police to track me down because you are permanently injured forever and then you findout my doll dollkilled himself and then you feel bad but im also a car so you dont care but then you do care and you cry yourself to sleep every night because i wouldnt have killed myself if you did not run in the road while i (toy car) was driving and then your life is never the same for 5 years until my body turns out to be afake a body double and then Like for part 2

My doll is in a coma and feels nothing but confusion and amnesia until my doll hears the news about your doll (toy car) killing itself and my doll ran into the road because my doll dropped its ball and it was bouncing to the road in the first place and then my doll thinks how stupid my doll is and my life is never the same for 5 years

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