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what's your favorite non-dog non-penguin animal(s)?
Otters, foxes, leopard geckos, ducks...many others I'm sure.
CC here!! How was your Christmas, did you do anything fun, and if you got any gifts did you get anything good!!
Hey CC!! I had a nice quiet Christmas that mostly consisted of me visiting with my folks for breakfast (we had cannoli crepes and bacon) and then dinner in the evening (pork roast, red cabbage, baked apples and gnocchi). In the time between I took it easy and took Leo for walks.
For gifts--my main one was my trip to Missouri/Ohio with my partner early this month! I also received a daily dog calendar, a t-shirt reading "The Dogfather" (with Godfather parody font), Lil' Leo manga by Moto Hagio, and money.
I hope you had a relaxing and merry Christmas yourself!
what's your favorite christmas cookie?
I don't really know of any beyond the standard frosted sugar cookies!
Rank your top five penguin species, in order of most fond to fond of
Which Grinch is the hottest?
The GBA game version
what's a horror trope you want to see more often?
I am easy and want to see more gender role-reversed scenarios with guys getting terrorized by women. Not the yandere/"women scorned"-type scenarios or anything with an undercurrent of irony--I want to see a full-on reversal, male Laurie Stodes being stalked by female Michael Meyers, female Freddy Kreugers invading the nightmares of male Nancy Thompsons, and so on.
what’s a scene or concept that really freaked you out in a non-horror canon?
Discounting things that freaked me out as a kid--Captain Holly's recollection of the warren's destruction in the 1978 Watership Down movie is one of the most vividly horrifying things I've ever seen. I didn't see the movie until I was in college, the most I knew about it beforehand were the screenshots of bloodied up rabbits, and that scene totally took me off-guard.
As far as concepts go--any kind of "fate worse than death"/I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream-type scenario tends to burrow its way into my brain and stay there. For non-horror examples, I'm thinking of things like the ending of Being John Malkovich, the fates of Cars and Diavolo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure--no matter how despicable the character it happens to is I'm always kind of shaken up by it!
What’s your favorite autumn activity? Do you have any Halloween traditions?
I love going for walks to look at the changing leaf colors and eating warm, autumn-associated foods like baked apples.
Don't really have any set in stone Halloween traditions (aside from picking up candy at the store for possible trick-or-treaters--but mostly for myself) though I always dig through a lot of horror and Halloween-related specials throughout the month. The last three years I've gone to a haunted attraction with a friend and I'd like to maintain that! Since getting a dog, I imagine I'm also going to be subjecting him to a different costume every year.
What’s something fun that’s happened to you in the past two months?
I went to a friend's birthday party at a retro game shop where we watched Chibi Maruko-chan, played fighting games, and danced until 3am. I learned I actually like dancing a lot, even when most of it is just me incorporating various exercise routines
CC here!! Are there any Summer 2024 anime that you're interested in checking out?
Hey CC!! Nothing this season has really caught my attention, though it does remind me I still have to finish the first season of Nier Automata now that the second one's going to air.
what are your favorite types of questions to receive :3
Ahhh -anything- that can spring me into analysis mode!! "How did you interpret (x) scene", "why do you think (x) character did (x)"--don't know if those help for examples! I'm always itching to write mini-essays on things I've gotten into.
what's your favorite month?
who would win superman or deku with all quirks
I've never read or watched My Hero Academia so Superman by default
You've chosen the box of living wood. As you open it up, the others fade out of sight. Inside is a small slip of paper and a pouch of finely scented tea. When you open the paper it only has the pressed image of a leaf, but you feel that this is a sign to do something you've been putting off or forgetting, even something small like putting away a dish.
[In case you wondered or just want to do them: the gold box is a sign to say three things you like about yourself out loud, and the obsidian is a sign to go outside or look out the window and draw one thing you see. (All voluntary)]
(I don't know why I didn't see a notif for this in my inbox sooner!) This reminded me I should work on my felting project. Thank you for the reminder!
In front of you are three boxes. One of them is solid gold but undecorated, like a gold bar in the shape of a chest. The second box is made of living wood, with leaves sprouting from the sides, roots holding it into the ground. The third is made of obsidian, and you can see your face reflected in it when you lean in to admire its rich dark material. You can only open one. Which one do you open
I choose the second box
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