Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonie Β· 2d

grading members on how well they tolerate pain (1 best, 8 worst)
1 jsvng (I think it's a bit obvious, we all know why)
2 bng chn (he has mentioned many times that his pain tolerance is very good, but I left him in second place for the time he had his stye cut out)
3 jngIn (he said that the ear piercing or any needling process doesn't hurt, also he's a gym boy now)
4 chngbn (I left him further behind because I feel that he is one of the typical muscular gym boys who when something hurts they exaggerate a little)
5 hynjn (the eyebrow piercing didn't hurt and he endured a lot with the hand injury, but it's very dramatic for other things like minor bumps)
6 mnh0 (he complains a lot about muscle pain after exercising and silently complains about some other type of pain, but it is still very noticeable on his face that he is sore)
7 flIx (his hernia and the crybaby he is is not a good combination, but I didn't leave him last because of the years he has had with his hernia)
8 sngmn (I think it was a bit obvious, he's the one who exercises the least of the members, perhaps because he cannot bear the muscle pain after, he's also always been mysterious in that way, maybe because his pain tolerance isn't good and he doesn't want us to know)

i think there are more important things to care about, please be mindful that we have no idea how the members are irl.

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