Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Incognito Asks :3 · 3mo

Hi Aleena, link is up if there's still interest for sltcaramelpops HQ shirts:
If you don't mind me asking since you said shipping was pricy, and so I/others can make good financial decisions, about how much did shipping come out to the first round since you also got shirt deals?

Hello! leaning towards not hosting because of the high shipping costs and increased shirt costs compared to the first batch. we actually didn't hit the full shirt deal for every single shirt because less people actually joined compared to my initial interest check so that actually rose the price for some shirts/joiners ><

Shirts were roughly an additional $15 CAD each for 1st shipping before transaction fees.
Shirts were roughly $40 CAD each altogether before domestic shipping (shipping from me to you).
I anticipate shirts to be nearly $50 CAD (merch cost + shipping/maybe potential customs) if I host this time around and I'm NGL this is pretty expensive compared to other shirts I've had in past GOs that are anime themed. :c

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