Anonymous Adeptus · 7mo

hiiii (for the letter asks), B?

"Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?"

Yes, actually. In some sense I believe there are parts of me scattered in every fic I write. But more specifically, I think I tend to draw from personal experience a lot more in modern AU fics. For example, in the "make me your muse" series, the initial idea for "carved in stone" came from directly my own college experience taking a figure drawing class with life models. The art party as well, with the jazz and the wine and the cheese, is lifted from my memory. As well as Aether's experience working part time as a barista and walking dogs. There's more but I don't want to reveal too much haha. I would say that instead of being inspired by specific experiences, it's more that I write myself and my experiences/past feelings into my characters sometimes, if the shoe fits.

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