Anonymous Adeptus · 5mo

I have no idea what to write, and I don't know how to use this... site(?) And I also don't know how this message will appears to you bc is everything in portuguese for me (my first lenguage) but I want you to know that all your fics are amazing and I love all of them, tbal is my favorite and I spend hours reading and thinking abt it and your writing is so good to read and I'm always rereading your fics. Sorry for the long text btw, take care and kisses from Brazil!! (Sorry if I wrote something wrong, I'm a bit insecure with my English)

Oh wow, this message really made my night thank you so so much!! It really means a lot to hear that you enjoy my fics so much and I'm happy and honored to have readers like you... I hope you will enjoy the future tbal chapters! Sending you love as well, thank you!! <3

(Also, your English is fantastic, no need to be insecure!)

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