Anonymous Adeptus · 5mo

godspeed with the writing, you have my upmost respect for getting an outline down (i have slowly been learning the hard lesson that yes, outlines will make my life 10x easier)

anyways tyty for writing, it was tbal that sent me down the xiaother rabbit hole in the first place and it’s been so fun seeing how the fic’s grown <333

Hey, thanks so much! I'm also really excited about the outline and I have to resist sharing more hahah, but it is kinda wild to finally be able to envision the ending for tbal after I've been writing it for so long.... I used to think this fic would just last forever tbh.

And I can't believe it was tbal that got you into the xiaoaether rabbit hole, wow!! That's crazy. It has certainly been fun (and mind-boggling) for me to see how much the fic has grown (in terms of readers) too- I used to think it was just a fluke but people really do seem to love it.... I still get shocked by that idk! It was never supposed to be a multi-chaptered longfic in the first place but now it's become something so much bigger.

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