Anonymous Adeptus · 5mo

MORE TBAL ! ! ! ! okay sdlkfjslkdj hear me out, so i saw a comment abt this on your most recent chapter & just NEED to know- did they actually accidentally get married or something at the baby shower?? and aether just forgot because he was drunk?? i rly want to know what else happened that night 😭😭 also, ty for writing and good luck with the rest of the fic!!

Sorry this reply is a bit late but LMAO HAHAH I LOVE THIS 😂 okay, normally I'd be like "hmm who knows, let's leave it up to reader interpretation teehee" but I do feel like I have to clarify that no, unfortunately they did NOT get married while drunk on the night of the baby shower because if they did, as a writer I would have been morally obligated to have provided every juicy detail of their supposed shotgun wedding. I would never leave that out! And there's no way Xiao would have been Normal about it afterwards. But I love that people have wondered this LOL.

I just kinda went wild with the rumors in the public because Xiao is a literal mythical figure in Liyue and Aether is pretty damn close to one, so I felt like the speculations and curiosity that everyone would have would be very much real. Also, I just love the headcanon that everyone's a little in love with the traveler so the public would go CRAZY hearing he had a kid, hence the recurring theme of the wild rumors.

As for what else happened that night? Hm, well, in sum, Aether realized his feelings, got drunk, sang on stage, vomited all over Venti's slip on loafers and tried to paraglide off the Jade Chamber. From Xiao's perspective, Xiao was (lovingly) staring at Aether singing on stage, unconsciously admiring his voice and noticing how Aether seemed to capture attention so easily, as if he was meant to be seen. Horror slowly dawned on him when he saw Aether wobble on stage and then throw up on the Anemo Archon (everyone gasped) and then Xiao frantically ran after him and wrestled him away from the edge of the Jade Chamber. Aether might've been dramatically half-yelling something like "I just can't live like this!" Aether also lightly smacked Xiao across the face a couple times. Exasperated, Xiao restrained both of his arms and said something like "You're being difficult," to which Aether drunkenly replied, "What, am I too much to handle for you? Am I making your life difficult, oh Vigilant Yaksha?" and Xiao pinned him to the ground and answered, very closely to his face, "Yes. You are incredibly worrying. I can't seem to leave you alone for one second. Now, stop resisting and let me carry you to bed," and Aether might have internally malfunctioned upon hearing that, all of his limbs going pliant as he said "Oh. Okay. Sorry," and let himself be tucked into Xiao's arms. Xiao then gently set him on a couch and Aether almost immediately passed out, leaving Xiao to think that drunk Aether somewhat reminded him of A-Qing when he's being fussy. The thought was incredibly endearing to him. He tucked some of Aether's hair behind his ear and gently shifted him so that he wouldn't be sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Everyone saw, but Xiao didn't notice. He sat next to the sleeping Aether like a protective hawk and spent the rest of the baby shower in that position until it was time to go home and, to no one's surprise, he wouldn't let anyone else touch Aether and volunteered to carry him all the way back to the Wangshu Inn on foot. Yeah. That's pretty much it. (Sorry, I might've gotten a bit carried away)

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