Anonymous Adeptus · 4mo

I love the tbal story so much and i was reminded of it today when talking to Granny Shan in Liyue!
She said "does your little one back home also want a Rex Lapis-themed toy?" and thought it was so cute!
Would the grannies in Liyue pamper baby A-qing if they were given the chance? Taken how much Xianyun is also a very caring person, would she constantly plan new gifts for A-qing? A machine that would assist in flight practise, another one for sleeples nights, something for air quality when the baby has a cough, and something small for entertainment? She would definetly insist on baby A-qing to have high quality gifts made by the best inventress in Teyvat!

Oh my goodness I can't believe I didn't see this for TWO MONTHS- I'm so sorry!! Thank you so much for the ask!! Ugh, I love this idea, especially after doing Xianyun's story quest which has wrecked me for days....

To answer, yes, the grannies of Liyue would absolutely spoil A-Qing, even more so, the adepti grannies of Liyue. I imagine Xianyun would be in the poor habit of being easily roped into buying the latest toys and gadgets for him (we've seen how she's unable to resist a shopping deal) and A-Qing would be endlessly spoiled with far too many gifts from her. I think all the adepti would dote on him so much because it's been a while since there's been a "young one" amongst them. Xiao already indulges Yanqing enough so they really need to be careful or he's going to be spoiled rotten... I love this though and I'd love to include more Xianyun in tbal now that she's released, thank you for sending this in!

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