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curious chatterbox · 22d

I am coming here to answer your last question for the mini awards, as tweeter doesn’t allow multiple votes haha
Who tops between Jeno and Jaemin ?
I personally don’t mind, as long as the character development makes sense with whoever tops, for me it’s more of how the author writes the characters, then how they are in real life. I feel like both fits both in the top and bottom spectrum, not matter if they are depicted as very submissive bottoms, power bottoms, power tops or submissive tops ^^

I totally agree. There are several plots an author can write, like, they could be normal men, they could be alphas and so on. Then an author should make use of reality a bit, because there's no way Jeno should be cold and savage, when he's cold just because he's an introvert and when he gets angry he cries. Could be bottom, could be top. If bottom—nice, we have a sensitive bottom, if top—oh, there's something new, cute top who would cry when getting jealous? The same with Jaemin. This guy literally loves pink, likes to be called princess and has several feminine and coquettish behaviors. He can be 50% bottom as well as 50% top. It'd be interesting to have a top who's muscular but likes pink! So, I think I'll just go with the plot I have in mind and adjust it with reality, then "bake" something nice 😊 It was great to hear your opinion, because this topic is like a discussion of politics and many ppl are getting mad

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