Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon minsunger · 3mo

hello! why can't you be an advocate for being an anti-rape/cnc minsung fics since you have the following? find a lot of people who also have large following and ask them to join you. don't you guys find it disgusting? how many are you here on this account? anyone thought about saying something so people won't write about it? so people won't support it? or it's just okay because you don't want any responsibility for it?

While we are a fic/content modding account, we can only be responsible for moderating the content that is submitted to our events. From the beginning we have never allowed rape/non-con content in ANY AND ALL of the events that we oversee. If you have any concerns about our events, or any of the content that have been featured in them, please let us know and we'll try to deal with them in accordance with our rules.

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