Anonymous · 11mo

seeing the concepts for your recent zola mv (really pretty btw), i was wondering if you have breakdowns/in-depth concepts of your own designs for the ZOLA boys? like how you usually portray them, if they take any visual cues from any of the V3 designs or what original parts you wanted to add to their design

i used to ! ! ! way back in the day i had the packaged au designs ( which took a great deal of inspiration from the carnelian designs, the ideolo designs, and the general vibes of various male idol groups (and i think one very specific fan art of them as a princely idol group ? ? ? ), but i definitely feel like those designs have sort of dissolved by this point and all that remains of them are the vague bits of jetsam that managed to endure (read: kyo's hair clips and rough-cut hair, wil's curled bangs and thin ponytail, and yuu's short scruffy hair with black piercings) which i suppose makes sense considering that's all the basics i need to make a module recognizably ""my"" kyo or yuu or wil???

i'd be interested in revisiting them someday now that V6 is out and i'm considerably more queer, though i don't know if i'd be able to hone in on a proper "house" design again w committing to a single outfit or wardrobe is incredibly difficult, and i'd rather just come up with new designs on a cover by cover basis w

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