Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 1y

ive always loved how open and how critical your mind is.. ive followed you for over two years now on several accounts and i could not be blessed more than i already have. not only are your kosan theories threads are absolutely INSANE, your stances on things are also mesmerizing. feels like a fresh breeze that theres someone like you that's actually logical and rational on this to-be-damned app. and your kosan fanfictions? oh.. those are absolutely beautiful.. as a writer myself i look up to you the most in this fandom. i absolutely love how you thread words into such beautiful scenes, it's just everything is so good to the point i can't think of where to compliment first! i wish i could write as good as you someday, im still learning and occasionally write here and there but that's it. um i hope you don't take this as anything ill intentioned or something i really admire you and i just wanted to get this off my chest for sometime now

This is such a nice message, I don't think I deserve this kind words. Thank you so much, I actually teared up. 🥹 I'm speechless haha

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