Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

fruit basket · 6mo

one of the things that upsets me the most is that most st4ays who talk like this about chngjn (specially like hyj is being forced) are hyj biased. they DON'T know they fav at all is crazy 😭😭

yeah, that's honestly what hurts the most anon. like, I don't want to force my ship on anyone and anyone is of course free to ship whatever they want (or not ship at all), but with the way they're completely erasing a part of hyvnjn to fit their "fantasy" or their views, they're harming hyvnjn the most.
that man has a safe space in chngbn, he adores him and chose to be with him in that new house, because chngbn and him just fit together so well. Erasing that or saying the complete opposite is so dumb and honestly makes them look willfully blind.

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