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Anon · 1y

did it hurt when you crawled out of hell /affectionate

Mikey/Floyd · 1y

what is your dream aesthetic for twst to make outfits of

I FORGOT TO CHECK MY RETROSPRING OOMF IM SO SORRY but like. there's a lot.... dyou think they'd give cottagecore a chance.. and if possible i'd rlly like something that has something to do with the sea but also lolita theres way too many

Anon · 1y

Kamu tuh masih gak sih ada di fase lagi bengong terus tetiba kepalamu penuh aNTITITITITITITITITI—

theres the hip move too SKDJSKDNSKDNS idk why tp lebih lancar hip yg kanan yh daripada yg kiri kalo mau dipraktekin

Anon · 1y

you're beautiful!!!

i dont believe ive ever put my face here before but thank u UNLESS U MEANT MY CAT PIC IN MY ART VS ARTIST??

craniope · 1y

happy new year lee 🥺 cheers to 2023 for the both of us and i hope that you find so much success and happiness in 2023!! take it easy ❤💕

EUUEUEUUEUE CRANCRAN HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! im wishing the best for you in 2023!!! love u cran i hope u have a swag year

Anon · 1y

can you please mention who the problematic person is

Anon · 1y

does iris like dumplings

THEY DO!! i like them a lot too theyd be so happy if you took them to go eat chinese food (also yuu but thats for another time yeah)

craniope · 1y

hug! hope you're doing well have a good sleep 💕

Anon · 1y

would you still love me if i was a worm

i would give you proper soil to flourish in so yes. i'd make sure you dont die if you were a worm but my cats might play around with you

Mikey/Floyd · 1y


POMEFIORE PROBABLY.... BUT ALSO what the leaders have w each other (leona, vil, azul, prolly incl idia??? riddle doesnt have too much influence here but we can def change that if we wanted)

Anon · 1y

nothing much but i hope you're doing well :')

thank u anon!! i just finished finals im feeling better than evr other than the dread of results loool

Anon · 1y

kiss marry kill twst first years go

UHHHH LIKE ALL OF EM ? youre putting me on the spot here uhh i rlly dont wanna kill anyone sorry so . kiss deucey sebek kick ace (affectionate) marry... jack epel MAYBE MAYBE

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