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nonnies · 1mo

hiii do you wanna yap about yjn! what are some of your favorite things about him? favorite hair color/style? favorite outfit? favorite trait?

i opened up a whole new note just for this 😤 i am ALWAYS happy to yap about yjn.

theres obviously the usual things to love about him: his talent and hard work, the drive he has, how kind he is and how pretty his voice is (he has one of the most unique sounding voices ive heard and it has quickly become my favorite. its really bright and has such a nice ring to it when he holds out a note. kind of like a bell? i hope im making sense. words are not my strong suit when i yap >< ) there’s also how silly he is to love about him, how much he clearly loves to be on stage and how watching him perform feels like watching someone achieve their dream for the first time over and over again >< and honestly i could go on about that but i have like v specific things i find so so endearing/lovable about him:

i dont think i have ever seen another person so clearly raised with so much love he is overflowing with it. like. he gives off this energy that nothing in his presence could ever be unloved by him. does that make sense? its really comforting to see that in an idol, and comforting to see he hasnt lost his whimsy. hes silly, and gentle, and he has the worst jokes but theyre so funny to me bc he always seems so proud of himself for them. i cant not be endeared. i love how its really hard to categorize him bc he has such a variety of sides to him. the way he can be hot and confident on stage and then the way he can easily go back to silly and shy off stage, and how hes clearly introspective enough to have formed a comfortable identity of himself and be able to provide comfort for peoples insecurities without overstepping or oversimplifying a struggle. like he speaks like he wants moas to be kind to themselves, but he doesnt impose it. he words things in a way that give a gentle nudge rather than a well-intended reprimand. i really like that. maybe i read too much into it but it gives me a feeling that he understands and respects the autonomy of everyone around him. and then on the other hand hes so quick and easy to push past limits and remind ppl not to settle. at least those are the things i see from him. i love how unserious he is about everything too, at the same time. hes still got his whimsy!! hes still seeing the magic in the world around him!! im a v pessimistic person so seeing how much he seems to love life reminds me to be a little less cynical ><

i love how hes not afraid to embrace femininity and masculinity at the same time and how he doesnt seem to be defined by either or doesn’t have this attitude that one is better than the other. like how he doesnt bat an eye when kai calls him noona and how hes just comfortable doing the gg choreos without trying to make them “cooler” (which to me is like him saying he already thinks femininity and softness is just as “cool” to him as masculinity and strength in choreo is) for me, being someone who has weird feelings about gender and my expression of it, its nice to see femininity and masculinity embraced and expressed in a neutral way. it doesnt feel like hes making caricatures of either. its really easy, i feel, to be a man and say you will wear skirts and not mean it. its v easy to want to pander to your queer audience by just throwing on any skirt just for the queer rep points, but with him, when he uses skirts be styles them. he makes looks out of them, not just wears them. the way he dresses when he wears them still feels like his style, not like someone tossed a skirt into his look and told him what to do. theres nothing wrong with that ofc if thats the case, bc at the end of the day he IS an idol and this IS his job to be liked, but i like that theres a really subtle way he incorporates skirts (or even any piece of clothing/accessory that would qualify as "feminine") that feels like he genuinely likes the look, and not like hes doing it for kudos. i hope i make sense ><

i also love how much he seems to thrive when hes being babied ☺️ hes definitely got a tendency to be the one babying others, but the way he kind of melts into being spoiled is just so so cute to me. hes my princess fr. its also cute how easily he embraces the yj is a cat agenda, and how he kinda addresses himself in cute ways. hes just so cute to me idk!!! im endlessly endeared and overcome with cuteness aggression everytime i see him !

ANYWAY AS FOR MY FAVORITE HAIR COLOR: pink. pink yj. specifically, pink yj with his cute little half ponytail where he’s in that black turtleneck walking with purpose somewhere….yeah i think about him A LOT. that look fundamentally changed me as a person 🫣 a close second is that pretty beige set he wore with his longer black hair and the black boots. he was so pretty and so cool and for what? to ruin my life? to make me question my gender identity again? to redefine gender norms and what they mean to me? TO BE SO CUTE AND PRETTY I WANNA SHAKE HIM? (gently and lovingly bc he deserves to be treated gently and with love and told that all of his hard work is seen and appreciated bc he said that that was all he really wanted.) OO OO AND I ALSO REALLY REALLY LOVED/AM HAUNTED BY THAT RED STRIPED SWEATER WITH THE BAGGY PANTS HE WORE IN HIS IG POST. literally my little baby emo king <3 i adore him


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