Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Lost child O’ mine · 11mo

You seem so cool and I wanna ask you to be my mom but I feel like that weird and now I feel like I have mommy issues because of this and I don't want to seem weird and stuff so I'm using anon because I'd rather not be known so that way people cant start sending hate about me probably having mommy issues, and I'm so sorry about the long paragraph without correct punctuation, I suck at grammar and stuff.

I welcome you with open arms — It’s not strange at all 。Mom understands that there are some out there with the same title as her ៸ that cannot or refuse to fulfil their obligation — It’s regrettable 。Come for a big warm hug ! Don’t apologise for lack of grammar ៸ Mama understood just well ! 🤍〜

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