Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

hi!! i sent you a dm and idk if it’s going to be lost in your multiple dms so hum just letting you know. also sorry sorry if this is kinda intrusive but my boyfriend is very shy and im trying to help him find more ftm friends so he feels less alone and more supported by people who would understand him. do you know by any chance a discord group of cool ppl or anything i can advice him discreetly to join? hopefully this isn’t a weird thing to ask and sorry if it is (im very high on the spectrum i hope this isn’t weird)

i am 100 years late with answering this but i generally avoid any trans discord servers like the plague, so maybe i’m not the best person to ask. if your city/town has a lgbt meetup or group then that might be better! you can always go together.

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