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Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hi ! i absolutely love your horror fics they make me feel so shhsjsbs//pos
I was wondering if in the open ending ones did you initially have a plot to continue?If yes i would love to just get some closing in a single sentence ( the hyunjin and han in changbins home and the Han in the flat where he is all alone on the floor)
I love your style of writing ❤️🤍

I'm so sorry for my late reply 😭 Omg I love writing the horror fics and I feel so happy whenever someone mentions it 💞 thank youu!

For refracted (Hj and Js in Cb's house), I was toying with the idea of a sequel where Hj tries to figure out what exactly happened and resolve the mystery. I'm still working on something that will kind of sorta take place in this universe!

As for endless (Js being all alone in his flat), I wrote the entire fic around the ambiguous ending 😅 sorry even I don't know what happens next haha

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