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anonymouse · 3y

aesvic in hogwarts, which houses do you think they would be in 🤔

oooh this is a tricky one for the both of them.

ngl, my knee jerk response for victor is gryffindor bc. red. traits wise? it doesn't really fit him in some ways. younger victor strikes me as a pushover, more so of his social anxiety. he's the type of guy that is scared of confronting conflict, you know? he'd rather keep quiet or run away than to rock the boat further. my best bet for him is hufflepuff bc he's a vry hard worker! spreading himself thin bc he doesnt do half-measures! he usually helps people in things, but unless it's about talking or fighting, then he's so /not/ gonna do it. he has a patience of a saint, but only if the saint back talks a /lot/ in their mind especially when he gets frustrated and all.

for aesop, it's ravenclaw! he's is not a genius /genius/, but he's vry good at getting resources, be it lessons or items in general. its mostly bc he doesn't like to interact people and /loathes/ asking about things, so his lists upon lists of resources is just his insistence and sheer stubbornness of being alone lol. he does give the vibe of a slytherin but his ambition is. vry lax and like, not something he's ready to start a war for. not something that 'ID DO ANYTHING TO FULFILL IT' kind of ambition. he just wanna send people off peacefully like his uncle in the future as some kind of wizard mortician, thats all.

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