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Anonymous Coward · 20h


Anonymous Coward · 20h

super specific thing but you were one of the first artists i saw drawing transmasc bodies in porn in ways that didn't feel fetishistic. i didn't even know what bottom growth looked like before and now im so excited about even MORE of the effects of going on T !!!! holy shit tdicks!!!!!

Ahhh thank you!! That means a lot to me haha. I don't want to fetishize trans bodies, I just want to appreciate us for how sexy and awesome and beautiful and handsome we are hahaha... I think my art comes off as genuine in that way because I'm just expressing my own love for my own body and others like me :) bottom growth is so sexy and FUN and I'm excited for you!!! I love my tdick and it is fantastic and awesome and so great.

Anonymous Coward · 12d

Dude I’ve been medically advised to pause my transition and It’s been miserable having so much shit come back. Seeing how you continue to normalize trans bodies, their rawness, desirability, has been really helpful and reaffirming. Sorry this isn’t a question but AINT NO ONE DOING IT LIKE YOU CAPTAIN!!! I hope you know that the stuff you continue to create is so important and so heartwarming to see.

Anonymous Coward · 13d

does (spawn) astarion ever bottom for wyll?? 👀 id be curious to see how thatd go, i think there would have to be a lot of built up trust and healing on astarions end but i think theyd have funnnn

Definitely! I've drawn it a couple times and plan to again soon I just enjoy when wyll is all flustered LOL... but a flustered top wyll is also very good

Anonymous Coward · 13d

Do you think Minthara and Jaheira explore eachothers bodies when the others are asleep?

Anonymous Coward · 13d

i am so obsessed with the way you draw funky little veins on cocks

They are like my favorite part of the drawing tbh LMAO it's fun figuring out where they pinch and where they stay squiggly

Anonymous Coward · 13d

Not an idea, but I wanted to say ‪your work is so gorgeous!!! I can’t imagine how much time and effort you’ve put into your skill!! I hope some day I’ll be able to donate some money or commission you 💗‬

Thank you!!! I really appreciate it :] I've been drawing seriously for about 10 years, but I've been doodling about ever since I was old enough to hold a pencil.

Anonymous Coward · 15d

you ever think wyll and karlach rubbed their dicks together? :D

Anonymous Coward · 15d

are there other wyll ships you like? have ya ever thought about drawing/writing them?

I like wyllach, and I'm not opposed to other wyll ships but none of them have really Gripped me like wyllstarion hahaha

Anonymous Coward · 15d

hiiiii i looove ur writing and i was wondering if u have any wyllstarion period fics or anything planned… #muchlove

I started one a bit ago and got distracted lmao maybe one day I'll finish it......

Anonymous Coward · 15d

i adore your latest art because astarion is so lost in the sauce and wyll is having the time of his life 🔥 your art converted me to enjoying period blood smut lmao

Hahaha it's funny, I really like drawing it because I think astarion getting all flustered and lost in the sauce is hot, and drawing blood is very fun, but the period stuff itself is very neutral to me LOL it's not like a kink I have specifically but I'm glad it's getting other people into it 😂

Anonymous Coward · 18d

Do you do studies? If so, how does one go about doing art studies? I never really understood how you can use them to help you further your drawing practice/experience.

I've done many studies! I think the best way to do them is to just ... pay attention to how to replicate techniques, think about how YOU want to stylize what you're looking at, and do them again and again and again (with different subjects) until those things become second nature. The best way to improve at art is to just do it a lot and then one day you'll take a step back and look at how far you've come and go WOW!!!

Anonymous Coward · 17d

i jus wanted 2 say that im a fellow gay trans dude who recently found out i may not be able to get top surgery due to a connective tissue disorder (massive bummer👎) and your art has really brought up my mood lately!! itis so awesome and i love looking at it and it makes me want to get better at my own art and RAGHH. its so good. also its always a win to see my favorite guys (wyll and astarion <3) transgenderized. anyway. hell yeah brother. daps you up

Thank you! I'm glad my art is helping cheer you up, that's really tough. I need to draw more non-op trans guys they can be so sexy LOL.

Anonymous Coward · 17d

How do you feel about commissions where people just give you free range to do whatever you like with a character? I’ve heard mixed opinions with some artists really digging it and some REALLY not. With how crazy your work is, I’d feel bad capping your creativity. Idk, random unexpected outcome seems so cool. Thoughts?

I think they can be really fun as long as I have enough information about the character/characters I'm drawing! The only hangups I have with those are when I don't know if what I'm drawing is in character or not, so having a writeup about a character's personality/backstory really helps me figure out what to do. As long as a client is ACTUALLY okay with me just doing whatever I think works and won't ask for a bajillion edits after I'm already done, they're really fun.

Anonymous Coward · 19d

What is your favorite thing to draw!!! Or something you want to be able to draw in the future weather b/c your skill level isn't there yet or cause you don't have the time too :D

my favorite thing to draw is people! I love people!!!!!!!! In the future I want to get better at drawing dragons so I can draw dragons more HAHAHAH....... that dnd bard dream ;)

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