Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Nés · 11 answers · 11mo

gurls, listen to me! you guys are so precious, don't let other people make you feel unworthy or make you feel sad. you all deserves all the good things and you're loved! okay?? 💖

baikk, terima kasihh banyaakk yaa ♡ kamuu juga berhakk di sayangi, di cintau dann mendapatkan kebahagiaan yang banyaakkk!

Awww, terimakasih banyak ya Xinyu cantik! Begitu juga kata - kata ini berlaku untuk kamu yaaa 💛💛💛

Thank you, pwetty! The same thing goes to you as well. You are deserve all the good things in this whole world! 💙

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