anonpal · 8mo

Thoughts on Chapel getting off to little WW taking out a target for the first time?

IMMEDIATE AROUSAL...of pride, of course.

Overall, in my opinion, this control that Chapel has over Wolfwood really gets his dick hard. It's a lot of the psychological aspects that really turn him on and for a couple of reasons:

To Chapel, he created the ideal weapon, a top-tier prodigy that is nestled comfortably under his control and weighed down even more by his desire to protect his loved ones. Seeing his 'creation', Nicholas the Punisher, take out real targets with precision and without hesitation, as if the Punisher is an extension of Wolfwood's mind and body thrills him. Excites him. Arouses him!!

He believes that passing down his skills and knowledge in weaponry, combined with coercion and blackmail, has resulted in the finest killing machine.

Then, there's the obediency of Wolfwood (though short-lived) that gets him hot and bothered, too. Chapel knows that he, the rest of the EoM, and even Knives, is a threat to those Wolfwood holds closest and uses it against him to keep him at his beck and call. Like, he even used Wolfwood's fears against him to convince him to go along with the experiments so that he can be stronger and more resilient against attacks. (Chapel shoots Wolfwood in the arm despite Wolfwood's immense skills in combat and is like See? You still suck, so whatcha gonna do?)

And, like, the same can't really be said about Chapel/LivRaz, because I feel like Chapel only used LivRaz to get to Wolfwood in the end because Wolfwood was Chapel's Prodigy. He became OBSESSED with Wolfwood entirely.

This was way too long and I'm not sure if I even answered the question...


It's nothing new to Chapel to be immensely turned on by little Nicholas. I mean, he got a thrill out of breaking Nicholas; taming him to be this obedient little dog that'd follow his every command (or so he thought). He was fully engorged presenting Nicholas with the Punisher but also having such complete control over him (using the orphanage as leverage)

Then he watches Nicholas bend over to take aim or lie on the ground, how the singlet clings to every crease and fold, leaving nothing to the imagination. There's no way he wasn't into him...I have a fic idea I wanna write -- a PWP of chapelwood -- regarding this but I gotta find the time

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