Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
kak saran tempat makan nongki cantik dimedan dmn bole selain savo, penthouse
kitchenette, garden deli, omotesando!!
are you even real?
no, i don't actually exist, i'm just a concept (please don't perceive me)
Parfume nya apa beb?
LV rose des vents, YSL black opium & libre, Moschino Toy 2
something warm and comforting, like a bowl of porridge or a steaming bowl of soup 🍲🤍
ya atau tidak?
genjreng aku pake intro arctic monkeys yang ganteng itu kak
gabisa intro artic monkeys kak bisanya goyang dumang, masih mau ga?
halo guys welcome back to rumi's channel sekarang bang rumi mau main game ff
bgg tlg ganti game bgt jgn ff mulu bozennn nanti aku gip bunga
hii pretty gwenn! 🌷
hello prettiest abelleeee 😍
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