Morning /ᐠ - ˕ -マ

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Anonymous (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ · 7h

who in txt (side note this is so cute tho??)

this is adorable aww, it is so special to find happiness even if it’s unconventional. setting aside complicated sexuality conversations…. i could see it happening to the best friend-type duos. for the level of denial “platonic” dates require, soogyu, beomkai, and taejun come to mind

lavi ₍ᐢ‥ᐢ₎𔓘 · 2d

hewoo,, these are at the top of my head but my fave thriller books are the one by john marrs, the butcher by jennifer hillier, and final girls by sager ᰔ i forgot to mention this earlier but ur layout is rly cute hehe :>

thank you so much, dear 🥹🥹🥹 this will keep me busy for a while, i’m very excited….. and thank you, i’ve been into yellow recently 🥰🥰🥰

Anonymous (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ · 2d

my favorite thriller is master of the game by sidney sheldon which is a bit of a thriller classic for me! huge book but tldr it goes thru 4 generations of a family as they build their wealth through kind of horrific means in the south african diamond industry... i read it when i was a teen and was forever changed -sea

Anonymous (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ · 3d

soobin mother… i accept this, he is the mom friend. also i am ashamed of the things that came to mind at the phrase “soobin mother.” it’s contributing to a brewing monster

Anonymous (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ · 3d

I need to see some kind of magic au where one of them accidentally curses the group to be glued together, and they get up to all sorts of trouble trying to free themselves. And fall in love along the way, of course

Sol! · 4d
Anonymous (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ · 5mo

nyr sgyu smooching bc i never moved on from them… or 23yov sookai. i’m making them kiss in my head as i type this

😭😭😭 i never moved on from nyr soogyu either… so here they are! i’m also very happy 23yov sookai are kissing in your head

Anonymous (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ · 6d

Absolutely torn between THoM 🐿️🧸🐧 with tae on the ground with his omegas having their way with him. and birdy’s acre 🐰🧸🐧 with soob on the ground and his omegas teasing him to death.

Writing this out, I think I’ve just discovered a new preference I didn’t know I had. 🩷

Anon you have no idea what you’ve done to me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 brb off to go draw…. I have the same preference, there’s nothing better than a soft alpha who’s wrapped around an omega’s finger

Now that I think of it, THOM Taehyun and acre Soobin have more in common than just their omegas… I think they’d do well in group therapy lmao

Anonymous (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ · 8d
Anonymous (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ · 9d

taejun matching bracelets 🥹 and someone said gyu had one too.. what if ot5 matching bracelets 🥺🥺

oh, this is so sweet 😭😭😭 it’s SO cute whenever they match or gift each other jewelry. I should reflect this in my fics

Junnie✨ · 11d
Anonymous (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ · 11d

Wait like they live together alone? Or in their dorms with the other members? /gen

I’ve been seeing so much things about them living together but I only know about all 5 living together and each member gets their own room unless they changed dorms? I’m sorry, I just don’t really keep up with these types of things so I’m just confused😭

Yeah, they moved into a bigger dorm last year where everyone has their own room! There have been debates recently because someone started a rumor that soogyu have their own place, since they always do things together…….. but I just don’t see why soogyu would move out so soon after the latest group move + groups usually live together until they’re older + the background of the dorm livestreams is always the same

Anonymous (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ · 13d

Okay this makes sense! Would an alpha and omega parent only have alpha and omega children here or is there a slim chance the child could be a beta?

It’s more likely for A/O couples to only have alpha or omega children, but there’s still a chance for betas!

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