Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

hi, adam! i was scrolling down my timeline and then i found your picture with a cool outfit. i also stalked a bit of your account and i just wanted to say that you are really attractive 😬😬 mau ngajak temenan tapi masih minder. jadi izin dulu deh disini hehehe, boleh aku follow duluan gak? terima kasih sebelumnya! [geter]

Hello, Anon. Jangan gemeteran gitu.. aku ga nerkam. Thank you for visiting my account and complimenting me here.. I didn't expect to receive this kind of mails. Thank you also for asking my permission to following me beforehand ya, that's so thoughtful of you, Anon. Boleh, please do follow me and DM me so I can give you a follow back. Terima kasih kembali, Anon!

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