Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Eric · 11mo

What's ur fav stary dynamic?

oh god. okay. that's a loaded question honestly. i love stary in all varieties, one-sided, puppy-love, situationships, all of that good shit. but i think the most specific dynamic i find myself gravitating towards is one where gary changes stan's life so positively that it inspires stan to be a better person, while stan changes garys life so immensely that he learns to come to terms with his true self. it's pretty cheesy, but i love a gradual realization from the two, stemming from the initial need to "make things right" with eachother that inevitably evolves to "oh... he is making me realize things i never thought i could realize about myself." i have A LOT of scenario/fic ideas that revolve around this "theme" (i guess) so that's probably my favorite sort of dynamic and storytelling idea for these guys!!!

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