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Eren's Monster Cock · 2mo

hi omg ily (thisissoembarrrasingwtf) i read you have a snake are they okay?

hi hello ily2!! :3

i do have a snake! his name is spencer and i love him so much <3

Eren's Monster Cock · 3mo

Is the hunger games fic finished or being written? When will you update?

Eren's Monster Cock · 4mo

I’ve always been curious about your @ and why you chose it! I used to think your name was nacker for a long time😭

you're not the only one to make that mistake LOL

it's funny because my @ used to be totallyawesomescientist which was a reference to a show and a character I really liked but something happened in my life (nothing terrible dw) that made me start to resent it and I wanted something that was shorter and more catchy. Idk how I thought of this idea but I basically took the first letter of my last name (N) and added to "acker" like from "Ackerman" which gave me nacker which also is surprisingly close to my last name itself so it's kinda funny in a way but yeah I got nackerr from there (since nacker was already taken on ao3 somehow)

Eren's Monster Cock · 4mo

How was dune 2? Did u have fun? -gab <3

it was sooooooooooo good gab omgosh words cannot describe how much i loved it!!

Eren's Monster Cock · 4mo

Do you have any good recommendations for long rivaereri fics without/minimal smut for us da fasting brothers? Pwease, if you don’t mind queen?

Eren's Monster Cock · 4mo

What’s your favourite to go to snack 👀

omgosh this is a tough pick but i gotta go with a slice of sourdough bread with labne and zataar :p

Eren's Monster Cock · 4mo

This is what I imagine nyc when you say you live there :3

Eren's Monster Cock · 4mo

Hii how are you doing? 🥹💘 -snow

HI SNOWIE! omgosh fancy seeing you here... I'm doing alright and I hope you are too!! <3

Eren's Monster Cock · 4mo

Smallest clue about what’s going to happen in King and Lionheart? It’s feeling tense 🤨

OOOP I give a small, teeny tiny hint that Levi's birthday is definitely not going to go how he hopes it will go... but it's not because of his curse. Something else will take afoot that might throw everyone for a loop.

I don't want to give too much away but ahhh it's the final arc so it's going to be big!

Eren's Monster Cock · 4mo

anon you're so sad please gtfo tj's inbox and get some head

Literally like wasting all their time and energy on this and for what??? Smh my head

Eren's Monster Cock · 4mo

Bsffr right now, your “writing” is so ew. Delete your account and kys. Disgracing this community with your dumb ass.

Eren's Monster Cock · 4mo

lol you actually think you're good at writing? lmfao

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