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ask box | I also take fic-art collabs prompts and ramblings


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anon · 7d

Hii!! Not a question but I just wanted to say I really really love your art and especially all the female Bingqiu art is so amazing and really made my day I adore them sm and I scrolled through so many of your older posts to appreciate them <3 I hope you have a lovely day and bless us with more of them. ✨️women✨️

Hi!!! Thank you for your lovely message anon;;; I will keep blessing you with more fem bingqiu hehe, though I'd like to take a break rn to do some (regular) bingjiu & bingqiu!!
thank you for putting a smile on my face during these hard times 🤧 and I wish you a good day asw <3 xo
women indeed ❤️❤️

anon · 7d

bought ur fem bingqiu artbook as a gift for a friend n i took a peek through it AND OMGGG I JUST LOVE UR ART IM EATING UR ARTSTYLE FR it’s so pretty!!!

AAH thank you anon <33 :3c (((and I'm very flattered my artbook is being gifted, hope your friend liked it as well!!!)))

anon · 17d

hi i really love your fem bingqiu arts!!! i've been picking up drawing lately and i was wondering if you'd be okay with ppl using your fem binqiu designs as reference? :3 (i love love love your art btw they're gorgeous and i can't stop thinking about your fem bingqiu au!!!)

Hello dear!!! thank you so much <33 and OF COURSE! I'm surprised bc I do not think of my art as reference material but I'm very flattered ;_; <33 if you want to share your art dont hesitate to ping me I'd love to see it and see how my art has inspired other artists hehehe

anon · 1mo

Had a happy dream that you dropped another artbook LOL I love your work!!

dkfdks PLSS very flattered that my art is making it to your dreams 👁️ & maybe you're having premonitory dreams, who knows...

anon · 1mo

hi~ how r u? 😚💕

hi anon!! thanks for checking on me 🤧💕 absolutely awful but life goes on; hope you're doing better than me ;;

anon · 2mo

the way you draw fem sqq makes me feel better about my own body type since it's like hers! She looks so pretty

oooh :o I'm so proud my art has that effect!! and of course she's stunning, so whenever you see her, think that you're just as stunning! 😤

anon · 3mo

Do you have a site with all the links of your fem and men bingqius?

here's the site with all my fem bingqiu, but it hasn't updated in months :'( https://fembingqiu.carrd.co/
As for my regular bingqiu noo I don't have a site dedicated to those :<. They're in my twt media tab tho!!

anon · 3mo

You will release other merch?? When what how much aaah

sorry for the late answer anon;, when I don't know.. let's try to do this towards the end of the year!! I have to make the designs >< as for what, I'm thinking : prints, either a totebag or a little pouch, maybe keychains... I'll have to think about it more, as for the prices, I won't be making profit and I'll most likely use redbubble, so you can refer to the base prices of the merch there (for postcards, prints and pouches). If I make vograce merch (keychains, phone holders, totes), they'll most likely be giveaways, so free, and in limited quantity.

anon · 3mo

i know you already have an art book of fem bingqiu, but have you considered making a second one too? i’d eat it up

yes of course!!! my first artbook doesn't have everything (stops at june 2023), while I keep drawing more fem bq. I do plan to release another one in the later half of this year 😼 with the art from july 2023 to xxx 2024, and maybe, keep up with a yearly release for as long as I can.

though this year and the last, I haven't drawn much compared to the early days of fem bingqiu, so I'm afraid I won't have as much content to fill the artbook >< I'll see what I can do (maybe release other merch on the side to compensate)

anon · 3mo

have you considered making prints, charms, pins, etc of ur fem bingqiu art? the art makes me so happy and i’d love love love to have it physically

YESSS!!!! I think about it sometimes but then forget;; I was thinking of making some vograce (https://vograce.com/) merch : cute keychains, a totebag, maybe some prints, a cellphone ring holder ...? photocards? (maybe a 2025 calendar ? :o)
I gotta remember to make the designs sometime 😭 anyways, i'm glad there are ppl that could be interested!!

anon · 3mo

i love your art sooo much, and something about your artstyle gives off the vibe that you’re such a stylish, cool, and beautiful person! i hope this doesn’t come off creepy because i mean this in the best way possible!! thank you very much for sharing your artworks!!

anon · 3mo

Not an ask but I love the way you draw fem bunhe she's so cute ;-; the 2 braids is so adorable whenever I see your fem bunhe I want to hug her and squish her face aaaaahhhh

hehehe thanks anon, she's so MOE MOE RIGHT!!!!! shen laoshi will hug her and squish her face for u

anon · 3mo

your art inspires me so much in so many different ways! i’ve been wanting to cosplay one of your arts for the longest time; your fem binghe’s look a lot like me in real life, and seeing one of my favorite characters resemble me so similarly gives me so much joy! thank you so much for the beautiful artworks! i look forward to seeing each and every one!!

anon · 3mo

I’m so happy with the way you portray bingqiu in your modern au. Something has settled into place. I hope this doesn’t offend you but your style reminds me of watercolor illustrations of books I used to read growing up, so I love to see them on their adventures, it’s nostalgic in a way.

Thank you so much anon <33 it doesn't offend me at all, it's really touching, I feel like my art has reached its purpose. That my fem bq pieces resonate so much in people, make them feel things, make them crave experiences or remind them of experiences. It's everything an artist would ever want, makes me proud ;_; <33

anon · 4mo

(つಥ⁄⁄⁄ಥ)つi miss u
im constantly checking ur acc waiting for an update or something from u
ଘ(੭ ˘ ᵕ˘)━☆゚.*・。゚please take care of yourself and come back soon

hello anon <33!!!! I recently posted, but I saw that you sent this message before my last post, thank you so much for thinking of me >< I missed drawing during that time as well, anyways don't worry I'm not going anywhere, I just draw less these days because of time constraints >< (that i hope i'll be free of at some point!! like I want to try & regularly draw on the weekends, at least)
Take care of you too anon xoxoo σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡

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