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anonymous friend · 3mo

How to focus on studying during exams TT help

OH hii im really sorry for the late reply but i hope you did well on your exams!! i think that one of the things that has helped me on my studies has been knowing how i retain information better? like i’ve always leaned towards visualizing what im studying through videos and visual explanations of the subject at hand, another thing that has helped me a lot is just use a blank page and a pen and just write without care for how messy it’ll look!! if you’re a very energetic person who can’t sit still for too long i suggest maybe sitting on the floor? for some reason i could never focus on my desk and since im much used to sit on the floor i prefer studying there too because there’s not much that could help distract me and procrastinating while sitting on the floor will get uncomfortable pretty fast!! i hope i was able to help you even just a little🫂

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