anon · 29d

It seems absurd to me how "education" is projected as if it were a de facto national religion, and people tacitly accept that if they do not yield their child to the pillars of paper, institutional power will be hunting them down (sheriff showing up at the front door, child forcibly removed from family to be placed in a replacement family or a mental institution, legal guardian being formally incarcerated, etc.). I mean, how many platitudes and legal fictions does it take to no longer be sensitive to the fact that these establishments are not primarily benevolent or necessary, that the distinction of their bottom line is sustained by coercion and domination? I just hate how this economy revolves around (willfully or not) being treated as a commodity on a production line by some goddess-knows-where executives, representatives or board members until finally having a nibble at some meager, bloated ideal of "the future" which, among other fantasies, is followed by the expectation of an acceptance that this is all for the ideal; a purely abstracted notion thrust upon me which I am presupposed to be subservient to.

I just pause hate all of this because I've no decision but to stay surrounded by those who are exactly complacent and are not conscious of anything outside of what a large organization has projected or interjected onto them which are messages they have mistaken for their own. Either that or they are just plain oblivious. Sorry if I bother you. I really do not have anyone to speak to about this. Not that I expect an answer, but if you are reading this, thank you.

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