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Anonymous user · 4mo

What are your thoughts on Rock Lee [or any members of Team Gai in general]?

HEEEE ISSSS MYY FAAVOUUUURRIIIIIITEEE he is my favourite currently I think he's so cute and charming and SO admirable and I cried very hard during his fight against Gaara LOL I just get so emotional over underdog characters who work their way to the top man.... Like Ages ago I always figured Rock Lee would be my favourite but witnessing him first hand I'm like wow I really felt the energy from a mile away, he totally abides by what usually makes a character my favourite... The amount of work he puts in to achieve his goals is very mega inspiring I'm trying to be like him so bad...... AND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH GUY IS SOOOOO CUTE god GODDD I can't wait for the series to continue showing them <333333 As for the rest of the team: I LIKE THEM! I think TenTen adds a really lovely balance between Lee and Neji... I also am very excited to see more of Neji... I think he has the potential to be one of my favourites...

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