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poop baby · 8mo

Any hopes you have for New World of Steam? (besides Clive ofc)

Oh man
First, Clive is more of a WISH instead of a hope... I'm pretty sure he isn't gonna appear lol (maybe just a brief mention of UF as a whole, but not him).
And as other people hope for is FLORAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!! I really want her to properly go in a adventure with Layton and Luke :-( not seeing her in the trailer felt very bad SO i really really really hope she appears and as an important role in the game
I would really like if Emmy shows too (since she is travelling it would make sense for her to go to USA). For a long time I really wished for a Emmy and Flora meet up :3
I feel like what i expect is very reasonable tbh i mean it isn't too crazy to imagine

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